​​​​​​​Quentin Madia
Director-Choreographer, Creative Producer, Educator

Two Star Motel
The Dare Tactic
Spring 2017
Director & Choreographer
Projection Designer
ShapeShifter Lab
18 Whitwell Place, Brooklyn, NY
April 28 : 6pm, with guest artist, A BAND CALLED SAD
April 28 8:45pm, with guest artist, HANNAH from HANNAH VS. THE MANY
April 29: 12pm, with guest artist, MICHELLE KESSLER
April 29: 2:30pm, with guest artist, NICHOLAS GRACE
Directed By: Quentin Madia
Music Directed: Quinn Corcoran
Production Stage Managed: Caroline Duffin
ASM: Merril Peterson, Ryan McCormick
Assistant Director/Dramaturg: Jessica Trombacco
Music Supervisor: Patrick Spencer
Set: Ryan Goff
Lights: Caspin Jones
Costumes: Weldon Steinke
Props: Colin O'Leary
Projections: Quentin Madia
Trailer Created by: Noura Boustany Jost
Produced by: Vinny Eden Ortega
Ryan- Alex Knezevic
Clint- Dylan Haas
Halley- Lauren Pelaia
Timmy- Alex Kornberg
Jake- Gavin Cranmer
Trent Soyster, Shaunyce Lee, Timothy Gage, Rose Anne Rabut, Deanna Alexandra, Chrizney Roth, Brianna Janozckin, Baxter Perkins, Marlina Devery, Natalie Waits

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic

Two Star Motel, The Dare Tactic